Vibeke Krommenhoek
Commissioner Vibeke Krommenhoek
Commissioner Vibeke Krommenhoek, Danish from origin, is a Dutch officer. Together with her husband Dick, Vibeke entered the International Training College in London in 1981 and was commissioned in 1983. Since then the Krommenhoeks have served in the Netherlands, Denmark, France, at the International Headquarters and in the Finland and Estonia Territory. The appointments of Vibeke Krommenhoek have been various: Corps Officer, Divisional Home League Secretary, responsible for training of local officers, Territorial President for Women’s Ministry in Denmark, France and Finland, International Youth Coordinator and from 2005-2008 responsible for the start of The Salvation Army in Poland. From 2007-2011 Vibeke was a member of the International Doctrine Council. Since February 2013, Vibeke is the Territorial President for Women’s Ministry for Norway, Iceland and the Færoes. In addition to this responsibility Commissioner Vibeke Krommenhoek holds the appointment of Representative for Ecumenical Relations for the Europe Zone.Together with her husband, Dick, Vibeke has two adult children and two grandchildren, all four living in Copenhagen.
Commissioners Dick & Vibeke Krommenhoek indicated their desire to serve the remaining two years of their active officership as corps officers in their home territory. The General gave his approval to this, resulting in that the Krommenhoeks, since August 2016, have taken up responsibility for the Zeist corps in the Netherlands.
Since June 2018, Commissioners Dick and Vibeke Krommenhoek have entered retirement from active service as Salvation Army officers. For the time being they have volunteered to continue their leadership of Zeist corps in the Netherlands.
Vibeke Krommenhoek is the co-author of the book entitled